Saturday, September 6, 2014

36 Years Ago Today: Brett Kimberlin Bombs a Speedway High School Football Game

If you're not already familiar, please read my article on why Brett Kimberlin bombed Speedway, IN in the first place. The really short version is that Brett Kimberlin is a pedophile who tends to retaliate against his victims, and who covers up his crimes using further crimes.

All my sources for this post are Brett Kimberlin's own authorized biography,KIMBERLIN v. DEWALT, and this newspaper report of the Speedway Bombings, which I encourage you to read.

Speedway High School parking lot bomb left during football game

On September 6, Kimberlin set off his final bomb, this time during a football game at Speedway High School. Considering timing of events, Kimberlin probably placed the bomb in the school parking lot while the game was still taking place. The explosion happened around 8:10 pm. Carl D. DeLong was a father to one of the players, and was in the parking lot waiting for his son to come out when he noticed a brown-and-yellow gym bag in the parking lot. The bomb inside the bag went off either as Carl picked it up, or shortly after.

Injuries from the blast

The worst injuries were suffered by Carl Delong. From Citizen K, pages 91-92:
One of his eardrums was shattered, and two of his fingers had to be reattached. The force of the blast lifted him into the air. "I remember looking down on the tops of cars and wondering why they were there," he later testified. [...] "I looked down at my right leg, and my kneecap was blown up on my thigh," he recalled. "My left leg was just shredded away to the bone. I yelled, 'Oh, God, get those kids out of here,' and tried to crawl away from there."
The left leg Mr. DeLong saw before passing out was actually later re-built, but his right leg was even worse and had to be amputated. Two of his fingers and one ear were re-attached. Two years later, DeLong testified that he was still removing bomb fragments from his body.

Carl DeLong's wife, Sandra DeLong, was standing nearby and received much less severe injuries. A third unidentified victim is mentioned for receiving shrapnel wounds in his back.

Why I'm writing this blog

Brett Kimberlin has continued a disgusting, mean campaign lasting to this very day, to deny Carl DeLong's widow, Sandra DeLong, the restitution which he was ordered to pay her. The original crime was bad enough, but the cheating, lying, harassment, and vexatious lawsuits against his own bombing victim are beyond disgusting. I urge every person reading this to read about Kimberlin's awful mistreatment of his bombing victim. If you already read this, re-read it. I will never let up until Brett Kimberlin corrects this misbehavior completely. Here are just a few highlights of things Brett Kimberlin did to try to intimidate his surviving bombing victim:
  • He filed a frivolous suit against her attorney.
  • He filed a frivolous suit against Sandra DeLong. Nothing happened with either suit, they were just meant to annoy, harass, and waste time.
  • He made apparently hundreds of thousands of dollars while in prison in the 1980s, which he laundered specifically to conceal it from the widow DeLong.
  • When he got out of prison, he soon received a 6-figure inheritance; several 6-figure book advances; and some murky middleman job that seems to have involved multimillion dollar deals. The total amounts are very likely near or over $1 million in income from 1994-1997, but Brett made sure $0 of that went to his surviving bombing victim.
  • Brett Kimberlin tried to hide his assets in a corporation called Brett Kimberlin Enterprises. With his assets supposedly removed from him, he claimed he had no money.
  • Brett Kimberlin induced his sister to file a fraudulent bankruptcy suit against him, in hopes that it would frustrate DeLong's ability to recover damages he owed her.
  • At the time, Brett Kimberlin lived in an expensive D.C. area suburb, with three new Mercedes parked in his driveway, but he still claimed he had no money to pay his bombing victim.
  • Brett offered to settle with her by paying 2% of the amount the court had ordered. Note this is not "settlement" in the normal sense that happens in civil disputes, because DeLong had already successfully sued and won.


I will not cease until Brett Kimberlin fixes every single one of those points I listed above. I urge everyone reading this to take the same approach. I also urge all of those who are helping Brett Kimberlin's lawfare and harassment campaigns (even if you only are cheerleading it) to cease any such support for him until he corrects these grave injustices he committed against his victims.

Justice doesn't happen automatically, by itself. People have to care, and put in time, hard work, money, and expertise. If you care about justice, you should consider what you can do to help the victims.


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If you're interested in discussing current events about Kimberlin's lawfare, you're probably better off at a site like hogewash . I'm unsure that I'll be able to curate good comments on this site.